Admin / Lead Developer
Level 38
Artisan Viking Beast


I'm Cyprezz the owner and lead developer of Glad you're here.
  Valheim has exploded onto the gaming scene and with an unprecedented amount of creativity from its dedicated Valheimians. The combination of vikings, procedural generation, building, adventure and brutal game-play is... breath taking. I hope this community website will try to capture some of the adventure everyone is having.

  An abridged history of how this website came to be: After college, I did freelance web development for a number of years. While doing client work, I developed and launched a side project, ( long gone ), a community site sharing game sprays, digital in-game graffiti art, primarily for Valve's games, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead and Counter Strike. Working on that site pushed my skills in programming, interface design and online content & community management.

My Gamesprays code base would eventually lay the foundation for my successful Planet Minecraft community which evolved over many years into the platform we're on now. This is why Valheimians has so many features at launch and is continually developed. There are even disabled features which we can unlock when our community is large enough to utilize them.

  I see no end in site for developing this platform; it's what I do. It will continue to evolve benefiting both communities. I hope that you enjoy the current state and the journey forward.

Member Statistics

11,477Profile views
41,823Experience points
38,158Submission views
9Forum threads
139Discussion posts
15Wall posts
Mar 1, 2021Joined Valheimian

Links & Social Media

  • Cyprezz#2468
