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Helga Blue
Level 25 : Expert Viking
This is our sky castle. Built on the tallest mountain I have ever seen in Valheim. The natural top is above the cloudline. We cannot build it any higher due to things not rendering there, so we may extend downwards at some future point.

Hope you enjoy this little look.


Progress100% complete

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08/06/2024 12:49 pm
Level 22 : Expert Builder Heathen
We have a very similar build in the works on the Waffle Iron server right now, though it's less castle and more chateau. It originally started out as just a spot to launch ourselves off the top of the world, but it has expanded far beyond our original scope (as some builds do...).Beautiful build in a fantastic location!
Helga Blue
08/10/2024 12:43 am
Level 25 : Expert Viking
thank you kindly. Yes these location finds are quite special. I have another video launching myself off it with a catapult that will soon be loaded on my youtube channel - HelgaBlue
