Planbuild question

Pand's AvatarPand9/14/23 11:34 pm
1 ambers 263 2
9/15/2023 2:07 am
Pand's AvatarPand

I'm having trouble when trying to place blueprints with the direct mode on i.e. instant build. I have cleared a large area using the terrain tool but almost every time i try to place a blueprint even using the height adjustment keys etc, the building or some part of it falls apart.

Is there a way with the mods to have the building snap to the correct height etc for use?

Forgive my noobness if this is something simple I'm just not understanding.

Posted by Pand's Avatar
Level 1 : New Viking

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09/15/2023 2:07 am
Level 1 : New Viking
Pand's Avatar
Thanks for the reply. I guess it’s practice but for now I try to use the steps for example as guidance and try to bury them a bit but I still seems to break on a lot of blueprints. Also the ghost outline is hard to adjust, but I think I need the skul thing to see it complete, then maybe it will be easier to judge height.
09/15/2023 12:38 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Raspberry
TheJukeboxHero's Avatar
use center point markers when saving builds, and use ctrl+alt and scroll the mouse wheel to raise/lower other blueprints
