Heya peeps, its you friendly neighborhood potato here.
Super excited to have found this platform and meet more fellow viking passionate about Valheim!!
A few things about myself:
- Emma is my real name (Online my handle is Emma the potato)
- I have potato genes (ADHD, Autism and Dyslexia)
- In Valheim I love building and farming
- My favorite base locations is a patch of Plains next to Mistlands (cause farm :3!)
What is your favorite base location? Do you also prefer a combination of biomes?
Thank you for reading, you are amazing and have a lovely day
Ps: After years on the internet I have actually never been part of a forum before so double reason to be super excited! 😆
Super excited to have found this platform and meet more fellow viking passionate about Valheim!!
A few things about myself:
- Emma is my real name (Online my handle is Emma the potato)
- I have potato genes (ADHD, Autism and Dyslexia)
- In Valheim I love building and farming
- My favorite base locations is a patch of Plains next to Mistlands (cause farm :3!)
What is your favorite base location? Do you also prefer a combination of biomes?
Thank you for reading, you are amazing and have a lovely day
Ps: After years on the internet I have actually never been part of a forum before so double reason to be super excited! 😆
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