*knock knock*
Hello you all
Even tho this aint the most active thread ill leave a few words anyway.
2300-ish hours of Valheim on the record, mostly been building without mods.
Just discovered the PlanHammer and Blueprint-mod so trying to gather my builds in one world, as they're currently rather spread out.
That, lead me here. I might test a few of your builds and maby share my own. (Harry Potter-inspirated boathouse, copy of Heddal Stavechurch and some other heavily detailed builds).
Fascinating to see all the creations out there, both modded and un-modded.
Keep it up ya'll.
Skål ❤
Even tho this aint the most active thread ill leave a few words anyway.
2300-ish hours of Valheim on the record, mostly been building without mods.
Just discovered the PlanHammer and Blueprint-mod so trying to gather my builds in one world, as they're currently rather spread out.
That, lead me here. I might test a few of your builds and maby share my own. (Harry Potter-inspirated boathouse, copy of Heddal Stavechurch and some other heavily detailed builds).
Fascinating to see all the creations out there, both modded and un-modded.
Keep it up ya'll.
Skål ❤
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Still getting the hang of it myself. Just finally got it working. I used Vortex to install mods and even tried manually but couldn't get it to work properly until I installed with r2modman.

Velkommen to the platform and a great community!
Hope you find inspiration from all the amazing builders here and I will be looking forward to seeing some of your own creations!
Don't hesitate to ask questions about building or mods for taking your builds to the next leve! ;D
Best regards
Hope you find inspiration from all the amazing builders here and I will be looking forward to seeing some of your own creations!
Don't hesitate to ask questions about building or mods for taking your builds to the next leve! ;D
Best regards

Welcome! I love the idea of having a world with all your buildings on. PlanBuild is awesome, its one of my favorite mods for sure. Especially because everything you do with it is vanilla friendly; I.E. anybody can play on a world you built with planbuild

Welcome! I just found this place too! Very inspiring. :)