The Two Punch Brothers have joined the party!

TwoPunchBrothers4/25/23 1:07 pm
2 ambers 288 1
4/26/2023 12:28 am
JP Valheim

We are the Two Punch Brothers; a goof brother and a brother who hides in closets, together on a quest to conquer any danger as complete noobs.

We mostly play survival games going in almost "blind", meaning we don't research too much about the game and just experience it from the start as a genuine first time playthrough. We enjoy some other stuff on the side, like ghost games. Since about half a year ago we discovered Valheim and we absolutely love it! We share our playthrough on YouTube, progressing slowly and trying to enjoy the game to the max. At the moment not really focussing on mods and other stuff because this is our first playthrough, but you never know what the future will hold.

Posted by
Level 1 : New Viking

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JP Valheim
04/26/2023 12:28 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Lox
Ah thats awesome; valheim is such a beautiful game. That first playthrough is usually one of the most magical! Enjoy it!!
