Buildshare with an XB player?

Sahweeet's AvatarSahweeet6/29/23 6:36 pm
1 ambers 343 5
7/1/2023 10:58 pm
JP Valheim's AvatarJP Valheim
I've not cross played with XB yet. I'm wondering if I (on PC) can join someone's xbox world and place a vbuild file? I'm not sure if it will even let me join with a mod (planbuild) or how that looks. Anyone know?
Posted by Sahweeet's Avatar
Level 1 : New Builder

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JP Valheim
06/30/2023 12:25 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lox
JP Valheim's Avatar
I use planbuild to run a public valheim server and most of the players are xbox players. Here is what I've learned.

You only need the mod to add the buildings to the server. After you place the buildings, other people can play on the server without the mod.

The xbox players can only join if you have the "enable crossplay" setting checked

If you try to show them something that is a mod file, like the planbuild rune, or some building plans etc, they will see nothing. The mod-specific objects will be invisible to them.
06/30/2023 9:37 am
Level 1 : New Builder
Sahweeet's Avatar
They can see the buildings place though, yes?
Can it be a XB user's world? Or only works if a dedicated server and only after the building/plan has been placed?

And.. many thanks for responding!
JP Valheim
06/30/2023 8:12 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lox
JP Valheim's Avatar
It only works on a dedicated server because on an xbox users world the mod doesn't exist and there's no way (currently) of them installing the mod. The only option is to setup a dedicated server using a PC and then connect to it using xbox. They will only see stuff after the building has been placed
07/01/2023 11:55 am
Level 1 : New Builder
Sahweeet's Avatar
I see! That helps. It's kind of what I thought but since I've not turned on my xbox in 3 years, I wasn't sure what they were capable of these days. Again, I appreciate the response! Have a great weekend!
JP Valheim
07/01/2023 10:58 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lox
JP Valheim's Avatar
Let me know if you can join an xbox player's world and then place an item using the mod. I.... have no idea!
