Placing Trophies on a Flat Surface

AastaWadrsdottir's AvatarAastaWadrsdottir4/17/21 8:52 am
1 ambers 952 1
4/17/2021 8:16 pm
HTF Games Studio's AvatarHTF Games Studio
Hi All!
We ended up with a spare Dragon egg, and wanted to display it on a shelf. But even though I have seen many vids with folks having things on tables and such, I cannot find any info on how to do it. Can anyone help? TIA

Posted by AastaWadrsdottir's Avatar
Level 1 : New Viking

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HTF Games Studio
04/17/2021 8:16 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Builder
HTF Games Studio's Avatar
Once you unlock the Bronze Nails you can build Item Stands that allow you to put on them biggest part of the items. There is a official wiki page about it if you need here: valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Item_Stand
