Unable to Upload Blueprints to server

Trygyve1/13/24 6:16 pm
1 ambers 475 1
1/31/2024 5:26 am
Sven of Undenfell
Hello all! I was hoping someone could assist me in figuring out this issue.

My friend owns a dedicated server for valheim that we mod via Thunderstore.

We make sure all dependencies are installed with planbuild (Jotunn v2.16.1, planbuild v0.14.7, Hookgenpatcher v0.0.4, etc.), and we are able to place our blueprints and the mod does work fine.

The only issue we have is when we attempt to upload one of our blueprints to the server (which we also have enabled to do via the config files), it gets stuck on "working" and never uploads the blueprint even if it's a small one.

The console command also shows that the blueprint is uploading to the server, but never actually finished uploading.

I'd appreciate any suggestions, thank you!
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Level 1 : New Viking

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Sven of Undenfell
01/31/2024 5:26 am
Level 31 : Artisan Viking
Have you checked the 'marcopogo' configuration file on the server side?
There are a few check boxes to all allow the blueprint rune and sharing of all players on the server. If these are not set up for access , you will have no access.

Hope that helps!
