Bajangus's Avatar
Level 1 New Viking

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    05/25/2022 1:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Viking
    Bajangus's Avatar
    Hey marqueAz!

    I just joined the comfy server a few days ago, and I was super excited to get going on it. Untill I dove deeper into their discord. Don't get me wrong it seems like fun! But not exactly what I was looking for.

    I am a very dedicated builder who likes to put 100's of hours into my designs for people to use and enjoy! The idea of seeing my builds be wiped after an "era" (comfy's seasonal restart every few months) just make me feel like not a happy Viking!

    That being said, I do run my own server but it only consists of a group of friends, which only 1 plays consistently. So ide really like to start putting up my builds on a server that more people would use and have fun with. Or appreciate at least :p

    I am all about conservation of the natural landscape with my builds and try to only make essential modifications to the terrain. I try to make my builds both pretty as well as mesh with the natural feel of the landscape. I do all my builds legit with no commands, but I would absolutely not be opposed to mass import of stone and wood ect. Would save me alot of time. 😅

    If you are interested in having me pls reach out!

    Take care,
    Bajangus the Builder

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