About Lin
Humble, passionate, creative, wierdo, rollercoaster, walking wiki.
That's what i've been called by people who I respect the most and I am proud of all those 'titles'
Valheim is triggering all sorts of creativity that I had forgotten I possessed, and I love the community that comes together with Valheim.
All the sharing and kindess that's being spread everywhere on the internet is giving me back hope.
That being said... I love to build.. I can build all day because of reasons so I have a lot more time than the average person. I build with passion, every build I create tells a story of who I am and my imagination.
I really enjoy being inspired and inspiring other people. Nothing makes me more happy than making other people smile.
Looking forward to getting to know you.
Member Statistics
45 | Subscribers |
7,528 | Profile views |
68,821 | Experience points |
9 | Submissions |
61,128 | Submission views |
109 | Rubys |
6,937 | Downloads |
59 | Favorites |
20 | Comments |
14 | Discussion posts |
13 | Ambers |
May 8, 2021 | Joined Valheimian |