Valheim Articles / Tutorial

How to Create Custom Runestones on a Valheim Server with WEC

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JP Valheim
Level 59 : Grandmaster Lox
Have you ever gotten frustrated with the limited amount of text available in signs?
What if there was a way to have entire paragraphs easily, instead of sentences?

Using World Edit Commands, we can alter the text of a runestone in the game, to be anything we want. This is profoundly useful for server development, storytelling, or instructions. As usual with these tutorials, changes made are vanilla friendly and do not require other players to use any mods. Everybody on the server sees the changes.

To get started, install World Edit Commands and its dependencies. The easiest way is with r2modman or something similar.

Make sure that you have devcommands enabled. Next, you will need to launch valheim and load any single player world up. Place the center cursor on any object in the game (like a boss stone in the center of the world). Press F5 to open the console and type the following command

data save=initiatefile

This will create a data entry called "initiatefile". The name initiatefile is irrelevant. However now that you have saved something, youll be able to find the data.yaml file
in your Valheim base installation. It is typically found in...

Valheim > BepInEx > config > data > data.yaml

This data.yaml file is your scratchpad for World Edit Commands. If you want to alter the values of something in the world, you can save and load them to this text file. Any changes made, can be applies to objects in-game.

To begin, copy the following text and paste it into you data.yaml folder. This can be done while Valheim is running, just make sure to save the changes you make to make them accessible in-game.

---------copy below this line---------

- name: RaakaStone
- location, 1432643682
- Location.m_noBuild, 0
- HasFieldsStaticPhysics, 1
- HasFieldsRuneStone, 1
- StaticPhysics.m_checkSolids, 1
- TerrainModifier.m_level, 0
- HasFields, 1
- seed, 97639
- TerrainModifier.m_smooth, 0
- HasFieldsTerrainModifier, 1
- HasFieldsLocation, 1
- TerrainModifier.m_levelRadius, -10
- Location.m_exteriorRadius, 0
- TerrainModifier.m_paintRadius, 0
- Location.m_noBuildRadiusOverride, -10
- TerrainModifier.m_smoothRadius, -10
- RuneStone.m_text, <#00FF00>Green Title Text<#FFFFFF><br><br>Paragraph1 Text<br><br>Paragraph2 Text<br>

---------copy above this line---------

Now, you'll have access to the data entry RaakaStone. Find an existing runestone in Valheim, then go up to it and place the center cursor on the runestone. Press F5 to open the console and use the following command.

data load=RaakaStone

You will see the stone flash for a second and some terrain around it might change. Now when you read the runestone itll show the new text in the RaakaStone data entry.

This covers how to apply text to a runestone. But how do we edit the text itself? Lets get into that. You can ignore most of the RaakaStone data entry. The text is the very last part, shown below.

- RuneStone.m_text, <#00FF00>Green Title Text<#FFFFFF><br><br>Paragraph1 Text<br><br>Paragraph2 Text<br>

We have a lot of options to further customize the text. Runestones are able to show many more characters than signs. You can get away with a story that is 4 or 5 paragraphs long, although good luck getting players to read the whole thing!

Specify the color using a tag with the hash. The default color is the red the runestone text uses. Here are some useful bright text codes.

<#41FDFE> Cyan
<#FFFF00> Yellow
<#00FF00> Green
<#FFFFFF> White

To go to the next line use the <br> tag. Use <br><br> to skip a line for the title as an example.

However, so far this means you can only do this to existing runestones. So lets cover how to create runestones, which can be spawned as locations using the mod infinity hammer. 

Infinity hammer has a command hammer_locations which allows us to place any of the locations that exist in base Valheim. There are many runestone locations, you can type runestone and youll see a list of the options show up. Note that the different runestones do not matter because the custom text will override the original text.

Theres also a way to place a runestone directly as a blueprint, you can find that in the Valheim World Editing discord or by watching the tutorial.

Have fun!

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