Valheim Builds / Mini-game

Hellfire Citadel

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Level 10 : Journeyman Builder
Hellfire Citadel.

This build is from my modded RPG game titled "Dawngarde," a 9 month solo project.

Hellfire Citadel is an end-game Raid, featuring 5 custom boss fights, some insanely epic loot, and completing the raid and the story within Hellfire Reach unlocks the ability for players to purchase flyable dragon mounts.

To gain access, players must participate in a siege against the Charred army, using catapults to destroy Hell Gates and advance to the Citadel's doorstep. Before entering, players must weaken the tyrant Ash Huldra Queen by locating her Dark Heart and destroying it - only then can players step into the raid to face the Queen's wrath.

This is the climax of the story within Hellfire Reach as you work alongside the Dragonsworn in an attempt to overthrow the Ash Huldra Queen and return the Reach to its rightful owners.... If you succeed that is.

Fully fledged MMO-style RPG coming soon.
Progress100% complete

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