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Level 21 : Expert Builder
Sometimes, Vikings just need to leave the trail and poop in the woods. Wouldn't it be great to have a few outhouses along the trail so you can do your business without being walked up on by those nosy Greylings or ungrateful Greydwarfs?

Imagine sitting in peace while you do your business with some entertaining reading material. Cleanliness is important even for Vikings because you never know who, or what, used the joint prior to yourself.

A wash bucket has thusly been provided outside for when you're finished. Please just use the soap and dry your hands.

But wait, there's more!

In the back of the building there is also access to the roof, giving you an escape from a Shaman's poisonous gas. But beware; it won't thwart all beasts, and it may just kill ya with the smell of a thousand Draugrs on its own, so be careful.

78 pieces

Mods used -

Gizmo By ComfyMods

Infinity Hammer By JereKuusela
Progress100% complete

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11/12/2024 3:05 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Builder Loremaster
I like the idea having an outhouse next to the road. You made me smile with that! THX for sharing!
11/12/2024 9:02 am
Level 21 : Expert Builder
Glad I made you smile! I love making these silly little things and planting them here and there. They look so much better when they are worn. Every fort should have one. You always know when you stumble upon one of my bases, there's an outhouse. Ha!
