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Level 56
Grandmaster Raven

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    05/16/2024 9:36 am
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Raven
    MutantArtCat's Avatar
    Late train, but I love to create simple things like clutter, storage solutions, wells, I have a bunch of tiny homes and "generic" houses too, that I use myself as fillers, so maybe you find some inspiration in my gallery. And if you tell me what you'd like to see, I could do an attempt to create some for you.

    Don't let my towers impose you.

    Wells f.e.:

    Storage clutter, to decorate your dock vanilla:

    More clutter:

    Coming up with a solution for the workbench spam:

    Need a magic circle?

    Or a burning ruin?

    Tiny castle that I used as a dungeon myself:

    Tiny homes...

    So yeah, maybe I should start using tags :v
    05/16/2024 5:34 am
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Raven
    MutantArtCat's Avatar
    To dowload or ideas or? I have a bunch of basic stuff like homes and community places if you're looking to either DL or get some ideas.
    05/16/2024 4:33 am
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Raven
    MutantArtCat's Avatar
    I experienced the same thing today, some lines and patches (triangles) would not paint at all. Thought it had to do with the ashlands update and the known issue of the higher visibility of the chunk(?)lines, I thought the way the terrain works had changed maybe. I reported it in the PB thread on the JVL disc anyway.
    02/17/2023 2:32 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Raven
    MutantArtCat's Avatar
    Welcome :D Great that everything inspires you, I often want to crawl back in my shell if I see other people's builds ^^

    If you haven't found a server yet, you're welcome to take a look on mine. Vanilla is quite dead unfortunately atm, but the modded still draws people in. Now I do have taken over some islands in my treasure hunts and questlines, but there is place enough to put down something awesome if you'd like to. Progress varies from just started to ready to kill the queen. If you want to know more, let me know :)
    06/10/2022 9:18 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Raven
    MutantArtCat's Avatar
    By coincidence I have recently discovered it causes problems. You can download and use them, but if the build happens to be saved on an angle that is not vanilla, placement will be off center in vanilla. The huge problem with this is that you can't add anything to the build or place pieces on that angle (f.e. a forge will not line up with the wall). I contacted Jules to see if something can be done in PlanBuild, BuildShare I wouldn't know who to contact and if they would change anything.

    So yes, you can absolutely use the buildings, but if you're unlucky, it will be a wrong angle. The easy solution is to use a rotation mod yourself, but I hope there will be a solution in PlanBuild at least so I can fix my stuff or people can rotate it with the mod themselves.

    If you want to see what I mean, try this one, people made me aware of the problem with this one on Nexus, here ánd Reddit :v
    10/31/2021 5:33 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Raven
    MutantArtCat's Avatar
    That's why adding more rotation options would already change so much. You can place a door in the ground and have a trap door, I've placed stairs more straight up to have some kind of ladder solution, the diagonal beams that are missing for the darkwood are no problem either. Building might not be their main focus, but they would be crazy to ignore the players that go wild about it. The builders are those that will keep coming back because it's not about progress or finishing the game or content. We can keep ourselves amused :D

    I really hope for some basic stuff, which could partly be solved by adding more rotating options and some in between furniture for more basic life builds. Especially the comfort pieces demand a lot of space and feel very out of place sometimes. I managed to cram 11 comfort in a tiny hut, but it wasn't easy.
    10/29/2021 6:51 am
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Raven
    MutantArtCat's Avatar
    The missing link between "heap of straw" bed and "luxury dragon queen sized Auping" bed is something that bugs me too. And I feel that a rotation option for building pieces would add a lot of possibilities already, it also removes the need of having horizontal and vertical beams, just one beam that you can rotate in any way. I use a rotation mod and it adds so much more options just with the basic stuff already that I feel it should be part of the base game.

    I feel the upgrades for the crafting stations should be able to be placed further away too, it makes no sense for a wood chopping block and an atze to be inside just to be able to be in range. And the spice rack is my nemesis, way too often you can't hang it from the ceiling, because that is out of range, it feels so extremely crowded to put all those upgrades together. And asks a lot of space at the same time because they pieces need range in between them, what makes that people put grinders and anvils on shelves, to save room, but that makes no sense either, let alone that you would be able to lift an anvil on top of something like that :v
    10/28/2021 8:05 am
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Raven
    MutantArtCat's Avatar
    Grimmcore has played with us twice on the server and he shed some light on the Mistlands. Now he could be trying to divert us, but I don't really see a reason why and he warned us it was a bit of a spoiler. So spoiler alert!

    What Grimmcore told us about the plans for the Mistlands

    No spiders. There were spiders once, but something killed them. That is probably what we're gonna be up against. The Mistlands are gonna get a makeover too, the trees are way out of proportion and The Mistlands were one of the first things they created and in the meanwhile they have grown and the game has grown, so they probably want to implement new ideas and skills they obtained since then.

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