Valheim Articles / Tutorial

How to Hide Chests from other Players

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JP Valheim
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Lox
Now that you've made a lovely house in Valheim, why not stuff every nook and cranny with secrets? This way, should a stranger come to your base, they'll never find all of your hidden chests!

The basics of hiding a chest is simple. There are two factors to consider. Chest visibility and hitbox size. You can hide the visual of the chest by covering it with another item. Certain items such as banners and rugs hide the visual of the chest without hiding the hitbox. To make the chests even harder to find; you can make their hitboxes very tiny so that the chest can only be opened by looking at the right angle at the right spot.

Items such as banners and rugs can be used to hide secret chests or even entire basements!

Have fun and Enjoy the video!
- Jack Pitman

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