Valheim Builds / Building

Big Market V9 UPDATED. Work in progress

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Level 33 : Artisan Builder
First big market V9.

Market is quasi finished but for the moment I think don't modify building but maybe adjust the decoration like put supermarket shelves with stuff like flags, armors, weapons, etc

No mods needed, vanilla version. EXCEPT only for the pulley rope. That's don't change the build.

CAUTION, for rope of the pulley I used the "more gate MOD". If I found another better solution for have "rope", i'll fix that for keep full vanilla.


So, if you have ideas for make this better, don't hesitate. Also, I'm looking for an solution for create an "rope" attached at the pulley. I don'f found (without mod) how create that. Thanks!

Edit: I found this. For the moment it's IMO the better

Next creation: building in the harbor.

For watch videos of this build evolution, I let previously video on my YT chanel

Also available on my blueprints collection :

- Chest full of all kinds of meal cooked (before Ashlands up).
- Chest full of all kinds of meal to cook (before Ashlands up).
- Chest full of all kinds of trophies (only trophies for deco) (before Ashlands up).
- Chest full of all kinds of trophies (only other trophies without deco using) (soon!)
- Chest full of all kinds of potions (before Ashlands up).
- Chest full of all kinds of weapons (max lvl) Available + available Ashlands updated!

-Portal temple
-and more...

I am French and I try to translate into English as best as I can. Don't hesitate to advise me for a better translation ;).
Progress80% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Vivallgames 08/09/2024 1:41:10 pmAug 9th, 2024

Finition of building.
Put an better pulley.
Some decoration.
Adjust interior.
Next Update: decoration.

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08/02/2024 10:09 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Builder
