Valheim Builds / Arena

Chillspire Hollow (sky box fit)

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Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer Builder
Another arena/dungeon I build in sky box for my server.
It's made in mountain cave sky box (this one is way easier to handle since the entrance is always on the edge)

This time I made it pretty simple - basic climbing challenge + mini boss platform

It does look very easy, but the golem has 10000 HP and fall from this platform most likely equals death.
And not just from the platform... the way up is a challenge itself and one wrong step might be deadly for you.
It also includes one leap of faith to reach the top of the cave (not platform, but the very top) where i hid level 5 silver sword. Do not attempt this jump if your jumping skill is below 30... especially with heavy armor equipped.

Placing a blueprint is very easy.
1. Remove the frost cave using planbuild tools.
2. Select a blueprint and aim at the bottom of the cave entrance (white box) and place it
3, Thats it. Everything is ready.
4. and make sure to select Unlimited health when placing blueprint.

Optional - miniboss
I have very experienced players on the server so I spawned very powerful mini boss. A 2 star golem with 10000 health.
You can spawn Hildir's mini boss Geirrhafa. The fight will be equally difficult because of limited space. However, players will be able to cheese it by using bows and arrows from distance (that's why i used stone golem).

Miniboss spawn command:
spawn_object StoneGolem f=Humanoid,name,"Mountain Crusher" health=10000 stars=2 f=MonsterAI,alertedMessage,"Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory!" f=monsterAI,deathMessage,"The mountains are calling, and I must go." f=Humanoid,boss,true

Unlike my last build with skeleton mini boss, this one does not require copy-paste with infinity hammer to work.
Just use the command from above and spawn it. And feel free to change text in "quotation marks".

Everything here is vanilla friendly. You need mods just to place blueprint and spawn enemies.

Required mods:

Serverdevcommands (if used on servers)
World Edit
Infinity hammer
Progress100% complete

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