Valheim Builds / Artistic

MAC's Witches Nest

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Raven
Fully decorated house with fully upgraded kitchen (up until Bog Witch) and fully upgraded magic altar (up until Ashlands). The house has 19 comfort with the hottub lit (you can access this via the roof on the outside), the Yule tree and Maypole are hidden in the ceiling. The cellar is a brew cellar. There are no other workbenches, smelters or forges.

The roof was my absolute Nemesis for quite a few sleepless nights, but I like how it turned out.

WARNING: Placed foods are not integrated in Blueprints yet apparently, so that will crash. And for some reason, the Dvergr tables don't hold their placed stuff either, gonna check with the mod creator what is going on there. You'll get the resources upon crashing, so you could reconstruct the setting.
Progress100% complete

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11/25/2024 12:42 pm
Level 20 : Expert Builder
Very cozy and love that staircase.
