Valheim Builds / Storage

How to Build the Best Early Storage Room - Tutorial

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HTF Games Studio
Level 39 : Artisan Builder
This Storage Features are:
60 Chests
2 Internal Cart Parking Slots
Progress100% complete

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04/07/2021 8:52 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
Perfect timing. Settling a town for my fam and next building was storage. Figured, why not try your design.

Your tutorials are very easy to flip back and forth to. Excellent presentation & pacing allowing short video play time vs more game time.

Here's a screenshot!
HTF Games Studio
04/07/2021 10:29 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Builder
Thanks for using my tutorial for your build. Glad to be helpful :D
04/08/2021 9:59 am
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
Spent the majority of last night having fun consolidating our items from various camps and seeing how they would settle into the new storage room.

At first, I thought I'd want one item and sign per chest. However, it was quickly clear that the three tier chests make it easier to organize with minimal signage when you sort item types by their value / rarity top to bottom. Top shelf contains our more valuable or rare items of the type or biome. This approach also makes entire storage system more fluid.

Looking forward to revamping the outside to fit our settlement.
HTF Games Studio
04/08/2021 3:57 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Builder
If you need you can dig in the middle and create4 a 2by2 room for the hidden forge and workbench. To be able to repair the building and build new extenstions without placing it down every single time
