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Level 8 : Apprentice Viking
Freestyle coastal build with material available from the start! This build will carry you through endgame with all the space of a real world home whilst drowning in fantasy! Included is my favorite spot to just get rested and think about what's next... you can see from the shell of the build their is endless customization to play with!
It's on AG Home Server by Allegiant Games... mostly vanilla decorated with gizmo and plant everything. Come see the 75٪ + build on survival anytime. Hopefully see ya soon! Just enter Ymirs portal near spawn on second floor of hub

This is the house now I'm about to go against yag here's some more pics beggining in daylight as well as the entrance living room, kitchen, crafting area and smelter and some pics of the house at night
Progress75% complete

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01/27/2024 11:33 am
He/Him • Level 6 : Apprentice Hunter
no download link yet? and if theres crafting areas/ smelting etc will those come together with the house or there will be empty space for them to place when u unlock them ?
02/12/2024 5:06 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Viking
not sure how to create a download link ! but id love too... the house is pretty much done, it has a basic auto smelting unit next to the crafting area and theirs room in this house for so uch more, all current content in the game can be managed on the first floor lthough i keep my teleport room on the second and the third floor is still completely open... sorry for the late reply was having pc troubles .... this house is still up on a vanilla server if you would like to check it out but u would need whitelisting which isnt hard or ill look into making a download link!
