Valheim Builds / Advanced Base

My Star Destroyer Base - Work in progress

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Level 8 : Apprentice Viking
Star destroyer in plains, with Blockade Runner and generic ship built underneath (trying to hide the last piece of pillar that couldn't destroy)... Built over course of a few weeks here and there as time allows... Didn't track the hours, though they were many and afraid to see what they'd end up being... ;-)

Build in plains, taking advantage of ability to build on the stone pillars there, where can destroy bulk of the pillar after... making the items built above appear to levitate/float...

Used picture from movies to build bridge as close as possible, though still needs more work/lighting.

Started out and built bulk of it in survival mode, but switched to creative close to the end to allow adding some cool elements not yet available in normal game, and to allow "flying".... so I'd stop falling to my death accidentally while trying to tweak build for bottom of the ships.. :-)

Primary mod in place later on when switched to creative mode was Valheim+, where few settings were enabled for ability to use portals without restriction, and ability to rotate some items a little more angles than can natively, but not so much that they break if the mod is disabled/removed. No mods used to override build limits for strength... It is literally as high and long as it can go without breaking...

Update: Added a couple more pics to show how the structure is supported with beams going through the top of the stone pillar that was there.
Progress70% complete

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05/22/2021 2:47 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Builder
I follow you here just to say that.
Love it!
05/22/2021 5:38 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Viking
Thanks! I noticed your airship submission about a week after I started this, and hoped then mine could turn out at least half as cool as yours! You have some very nice floating creations!
05/22/2021 6:34 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Viking
Cool build, nice job on hiding the pillar. How much of it did you get rid of. I almost destroyed my nightclub build trying to slim down mine 😁
05/22/2021 4:58 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Viking
Just took a look at your nightclub submission - That is awesome! I love the lighting! And don't think you went overboard at all with the swamp keys... They work out very nice with it.
05/22/2021 11:35 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Viking
LOL.... I did accidentally destroy it at one point when i found that the whole pillar underneath couldn't be removed. This was after i had most of the Star destroyer structure built and when it happened i literally thought i had just wasted all of that effort for nothing. Fortunately the server admin was awesome and reverted to a prior save that ended up being five minutes before.

At that point i used a backup copy of the world the server admin kindly let me download and ran it local on my PC while trying to find out what parts of the pillar could be destroyed. I tried there over and over, finding pieces that could be removed without the rest of the pillar just blowing up, and reverting back to a prior backup of the world when it would happen (I had created a quick PowerShell script to save backup copies of my worlds and character on demand or at intervals into dated folders). Once i was able to figure out what parts could be removed safely, i was then able to remove them on the server.
The two ships underneath each are built around pieces that could not be removed... And there is one small sliver at the ground level i couldn't remove, and used the hoe to build up the ground around it a little to hide it.
05/23/2021 9:47 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Viking
Wow, that is awesome you were able to save it. My build was in my first shard still, I really should probably have done backups, but that was also kinda the fun of will I screw it up... lol
