Valheim Builds / Storage

Storage building inspired by Versaugh's "storage house."

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melone dog's Avatar melone dog
Level 8 : Apprentice Viking
This building was inspired by Versaugh's "storage house" build. Please go to their page and give them some love. I built racks of reinforced chests on the lower level for crafting, and the actual crafting stations on top. This build is up to the Mountain biome, I haven't completed the plains yet. I made a living area with a hearth and chimney apparatus to prevent getting smoked. This is a convenient storage system to use if you use Valheim Plus, specifically "craft from chest" and "automatically deposit in chest."

While not required, if you want to build this and continue to add build pieces, I'd suggest reinforcing with iron wood internally. I also just plopped the stairs into the side, as I have not unlocked the spiral staircase. The top part is pretty modular and you can organize how you want, the real kicker is the huge racks of chests. You can probably make a smelting area within deposit range to further automate.
Progress100% complete

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06/04/2024 3:53 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
User6986G's Avatar
I can't figure out how to download this
05/25/2024 2:53 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Builder
Virtuoze511's Avatar
Nice, i like buildings with differents material. It gives me some ideas. Thanks
