Valheim Builds / Advanced Base

Tombstone Temple

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Sugaplz's Avatar Sugaplz
Level 36 : Artisan Modder
Have you ever started building thinking: This time I'm gonna keep it small.
Just a little, high detailed build, nothing much. 3 days work tops.
Yeah,... me too. Like pretty much everytime.
In this build I ended up with around 25000 instances and 10-13 FPS.

This is the tombstone temple, where the old king lays to rest.
At the bottom there is a small village, complete with a bakery, blacksmith, a butcher, some farmlands and some small houses.

Music: Keep you close by Sugaplz

Thanks for watching,
Hope you enjoy!
Progress100% complete

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08/09/2021 2:12 pm
Level 43 : Master Fenring
SorchaAzura's Avatar
Build and music are both fantastic
07/31/2021 3:02 pm
Level 45 : Master Builder
MythicBuilds's Avatar
Looks great. Top notch attention to detail as always.
Are those shiny things on the conveyor belt at 0:43 and the red tree spawnable ingame or from addons?
07/31/2021 3:44 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Modder
Sugaplz's Avatar
Hey man, thanks.
those shiny red things are surtling cores. I used the gizmo mod to rotate the item stands and another mod( can’t remember the name atm) that lets you attach everything on them. I also used the cores in the ceiling of the blacksmith area.
the red tree and also the cherry blossom trees come from the build it mod.
07/31/2021 5:21 pm
Level 45 : Master Builder
MythicBuilds's Avatar
I see. Shame the game doesn't let you attach surtling cores itself, I could really use a red shiny object that doesn't have the "dirty" flame effect of surtling trophies...
