Published Jan 12th, 1/12/25 10:52 am
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Arena for advanced miniboss fight i prepared on my server.
Miniboss I used for this arena was modified Brenna with several more enemies around to move the focus from her and make the fight last longer.
Download consists of two separate pieces, the arena itself and the entrance. It will work completely fine without the entrance, but i suggest to use both blueprints.
Arena and the entrance are made in burial chambers skybox, so my suggestion is to use it that way. I tried to make it as easy as possible to place both the arena and the entrance into the skybox.
A. Blueprint placement (use infinite health option)
1. Find appropriate burial chambers - the entrance should be close to the middle.
2. Enter the burial chambers and delete everything using planbuild tools. Only the entrance (white box) should be left - don't worry, you cannot delete that.. Make sure you remember the right side of the entrance box so you don't place blueprint backwards.
3. The entrance blueprint has snapping point on the bottom right corner of the entrance box. Find the point and place it - easy as that.
4. The arena itself is a bit more tricky. My suggestion is to make it above the entrance area so the burning effect can be seen from below - it looks cool and players will get hint what to expect from the fight.
4.1 Find the corner of sky box and place an ice floor piece so it is visible both from inside and from outside of the skybox
B. Enemy spawning (optional)
I will provide the code for enemies I used for this fight. You can use it, change it or completely ignore it.
1. Miniboss - Brenna with armor and shield. Also with tweaked stats and name
spawn_object Skeleton_hildir f=Humanoid,name,"Molten Marrow" health=5000 chest=ArmorFlametalChest legs=ArmorFlametalLegs shoulders=Capelinen left_hand=ShieldBlackmetal stars=1 damage=1.2 f=monsterai,alertedMessage,"Burn human!" f=monsterAI,deathMessage,"We'll meet again in hell!" f=Humanoid,boss,true
2. Adds - additional enemies i spawned to make the fight last longer (i don't remember the amount of adds i used)
spawn_object Skeleton f=Humanoid,name,"Blaze bone" health=500 chest=ArmorIronChest legs=ArmorIronLegs left_hand=ShieldBlackmetal stars=2
spawn_object surtling f=Humanoid,name,"Firestarter" health=200 stars=2
This was used during the Iron age - swamp tier armors and foods. If you plan to use it in advanced periods, make sure to adjust enemy power. For example, adding parameter damage=3 into these codes will make them deal triple damage.
I didn't use enemies for the entrance part. But I can suggest bats as minor nuisance during the climb :)
Important: spawned enemies will turn back to normal in a few seconds and lose their appearance. To make them keep everything we gave them using these commands, make sure to quickly copy-paste them using infinity hammer. Copied enemies will keep the change. Also, skeletons are random spawns so sometimes you will spawn skeletons with bows. It will look weird with a bow and a shield, so just delete them and try again.
Also very important! Do not use killall command. It will delete spawners I put into walls for burning effect.
Everything here is vanilla friendly. You need mods just to place blueprint and spawn enemies.
Required mods:
Serverdevcommands (if used on servers)
World Edit
Infinity hammer
Miniboss I used for this arena was modified Brenna with several more enemies around to move the focus from her and make the fight last longer.
Download consists of two separate pieces, the arena itself and the entrance. It will work completely fine without the entrance, but i suggest to use both blueprints.
Arena and the entrance are made in burial chambers skybox, so my suggestion is to use it that way. I tried to make it as easy as possible to place both the arena and the entrance into the skybox.
A. Blueprint placement (use infinite health option)
1. Find appropriate burial chambers - the entrance should be close to the middle.
2. Enter the burial chambers and delete everything using planbuild tools. Only the entrance (white box) should be left - don't worry, you cannot delete that.. Make sure you remember the right side of the entrance box so you don't place blueprint backwards.
3. The entrance blueprint has snapping point on the bottom right corner of the entrance box. Find the point and place it - easy as that.
4. The arena itself is a bit more tricky. My suggestion is to make it above the entrance area so the burning effect can be seen from below - it looks cool and players will get hint what to expect from the fight.
4.1 Find the corner of sky box and place an ice floor piece so it is visible both from inside and from outside of the skybox
spawn ice_floor
4.2 Go from outside of the box , aim at ice floor and place the Arena blueprint so it's walls overlap the edge of the box.B. Enemy spawning (optional)
I will provide the code for enemies I used for this fight. You can use it, change it or completely ignore it.
1. Miniboss - Brenna with armor and shield. Also with tweaked stats and name
spawn_object Skeleton_hildir f=Humanoid,name,"Molten Marrow" health=5000 chest=ArmorFlametalChest legs=ArmorFlametalLegs shoulders=Capelinen left_hand=ShieldBlackmetal stars=1 damage=1.2 f=monsterai,alertedMessage,"Burn human!" f=monsterAI,deathMessage,"We'll meet again in hell!" f=Humanoid,boss,true
2. Adds - additional enemies i spawned to make the fight last longer (i don't remember the amount of adds i used)
spawn_object Skeleton f=Humanoid,name,"Blaze bone" health=500 chest=ArmorIronChest legs=ArmorIronLegs left_hand=ShieldBlackmetal stars=2
spawn_object surtling f=Humanoid,name,"Firestarter" health=200 stars=2
This was used during the Iron age - swamp tier armors and foods. If you plan to use it in advanced periods, make sure to adjust enemy power. For example, adding parameter damage=3 into these codes will make them deal triple damage.
I didn't use enemies for the entrance part. But I can suggest bats as minor nuisance during the climb :)
Important: spawned enemies will turn back to normal in a few seconds and lose their appearance. To make them keep everything we gave them using these commands, make sure to quickly copy-paste them using infinity hammer. Copied enemies will keep the change. Also, skeletons are random spawns so sometimes you will spawn skeletons with bows. It will look weird with a bow and a shield, so just delete them and try again.
Also very important! Do not use killall command. It will delete spawners I put into walls for burning effect.
Everything here is vanilla friendly. You need mods just to place blueprint and spawn enemies.
Required mods:
Serverdevcommands (if used on servers)
World Edit
Infinity hammer
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The code is:
spawn_object Skeleton_hildir f=Humanoid,name,"Molten Marrow" health=5000 chest=ArmorFlametalChest legs=ArmorFlametalLegs shoulders=Capelinen left_hand=ShieldBlackmetal stars=1 damage=1.2 f=monsterai,alertedMessage,"Burn human!" f=monsterAI,deathMessage,"We'll meet again in hell!" f=Humanoid,boss,true
EDIT: There, i fixed it. Thanks for letting me know ;)
EDIT 2: It's still not working. While i edit text i see normal quotes, but when i save it, it shows "
EDIT 3: fixed and tested. It should work now.
also, the ice_floor command really helped me to start with my sky islands project for our little server to surprise my 2 members with inane builds like yours for example. Does there be other, Bigger plattforms wich cant be damaged? would be cool ^_^
also ty a lot for reply and fix the code! didnt even know its possible to make such cool things with commands. if i would wanna give the modded mob another drop, is this possible? like for example drop gold piles, crystalls or other mats / weapons?`:O
for bigger platforms you can use scale command. For example:
spawn_object ice_floor scale=20,20,1
You can also point at already spawned object and write:
object scale=20,20,1
scaling works for objects like rocks and trees. It won’t work for enemies or building pieces (well it can work but with some other mods and it won’t be vanilla friendly anymore)
if you add to that command health=1E30 it will make that piece unbreakable. Health command works for everything, including enemies. For example:
spawn_object rock4_mountain scale=10,10,10 health=1E30
this command will spawn huge mountain rock which cannot be broken.
and for different drops from mobs… well there are other mods for that (like drop_that) but it will also make your world not vanilla friendly.
you can use bind command to save commands.
for example i use keypad plus to give infinite health, keypad minus for object info and some other commands i use a lot. The syntax looks like this
bind [key code] [command]
for example:
bind keypadplus object health=1E30
- this way i can give infinite health to any object just by looking at it and pressing keypad enter
but be careful as infinity_hammer uses keypad numbers so don’t use numbers for binding commands.
To remove bound command from a key, use unbind [key code]
i try on my test server and some scaled objects looks really funny with this xD sadly they will appear on the ground under you, but if you snap them with the catch took from PlanBuild, you can place them where ever you want as your own blueprint :D
( the giant_skull scale=10,10,10 just crashed my game soo,.. ye some need to be tested before placed in dedicated server xD )
how did u figgured this awesome codes? is there a entire list or its your own coding skills? :D