1 - 25 of 28
- Big Spiral House - BSH 9000Advanced Base Build4.5k 423 4x 18Haakonzen 2/15/23 6:53 • posted 12/30/22 12:17
- A Small Viking Longhouse Starter for 4 Players (1440 inst)Longhouse Build3.6k 531 2x 1PUP •4/18/24 9:45
- Wizard's Tower - Valheim Ashlands build (6200 inst) - for the vanilla version of the gameTower Build3.2k 474 5x 1PUP •5/30/24 8:57
- My Builders Hall at the Plainswalkers Modded serverArtistic Build2.5k 2x 12MythicBuilds •10/24/22 5:21
- Death Mountain Hel - dungeon Valheim (2700 inst)Mini-game Build2.1k 223 5x 1PUP 5/11/24 1:54 • posted 3/14/24 7:46
- Mld'rahl, city by the sea | Valheim MistlandsAdvanced Base Build1.7k 8x 20FiasWorkshop •1/26/23 8:09
1 - 25 of 28