Valheim Articles / Artwork

A Valheim Cake

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Level 48 : Master Bee Keeper
This Valheim cake was made especially for the owner and developer of Valheimians, Cyprezz. For those of you that don't know, Cyprezz is my husband. As his wife, I help out on the website where I can, and manage the Valheimian's social media accounts!

Cyprezz had a milestone birthday earlier this month, the big 4-0! I immediately knew what I was going to make for his cake. The cake is largely inspired by this art work by JulianGyllene, and of course our love for Valheim. Cyprezz's father also used to be a bee keeper, so "The Bees are Happy" has a bit more personal meaning behind it.

This cake was actually pretty easy to make, and I'm certain even a beginner could replicate what I've done! For the cake itself, I made a double batch of Cyprezz's favorite cake - lemon! The actual bee house is made up of (4) 6" layers of cake, with lemon curd and buttercream in between the layers. The cake is then coated with chocolate ganache and (don't hate on me!) fondant. The roof of the house is rice crispies. Yum!

I'll spare all of the how-to details for a potential tutorial if anyone shows interest!

Without further ado... here's the cake!
A Valheim Cake
I (proudly) came up with "The Fort-ees are Happy" to replace "The Bees are Happy", but you could easily replace "fort-ees" with "twent-ees" (you spring chick), "thirt-ees", etc.

A Valheim Cake
A Valheim Cake

..okay so you may have noticed I ended up going a little overboard with the Valheim theme. I couldn't help myself! Perhaps I'll make a separate post with the other details, and title it "how to throw a Valheim birthday party". Side note: did you know that every jar of cloudberry preserves contains all HAND PICKED wild cloudberries?! It's no wonder a small jar cost $22.00!


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06/18/2021 4:10 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Mason Builder
What an amazing cake! Well done and what a sweet gesture. Hope you all had a fantastic day with your family
06/18/2021 12:24 pm
Level 48 : Master Bee Keeper
Thank you! Was a wonderful day. If you've never been axe throwing, highly recommend. :)
JP Valheim
06/17/2021 5:14 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Lox
Is this a teaser photo for Cheezy Puffs in Valheim ?! !?

Happy birthday to you all <3
06/18/2021 12:25 pm
Level 48 : Master Bee Keeper
hah! a Cheezy Puff tree. Yum!
Nolian Milovnik
06/16/2021 3:52 pm
Level 40 : Master Builder
Such a well made and delicate designed Cake

Indeed there is a lot in this Valheim themed birthday but there is no such thing as overboard when it comes to something the others enjoy much of.

06/16/2021 3:02 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
Thank youuuuuu! :D It was delicious and a fun day of golf, bbq and throwing axes with fam.
Nolian Milovnik
06/16/2021 3:53 pm
Level 40 : Master Builder
Happy late Birthday

Don't know when but do hope it was a lovely day just like a day in the meadows of Valheim with friends
