Valheim Articles / Tutorial

Quick Tip on Chimney Design and Venting multiple Fireplaces.

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Boomboy's Avatar Boomboy
Level 38 : Artisan Builder
After building my hunter lodge yesterday it got me thinking about a better chimney design. I woke up with a design in mind so I filmed it and shared it.

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JP Valheim
05/08/2021 3:25 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lox
JP Valheim's Avatar
MAn this game is so amazing isn't it? I love how you can have a problem in Valheim, go to sleep, COME UP WITH AN IDEA AND MAKE THAT SHIT HAPPEN!

Its almost like... a video game... that trains focus and creativity... instead of just breeding button mashing screen adiction.

Don't get me wrong I'm addicted to Valheim but I feel like the lessons I learn in Valheim are actually useful in my real life
04/28/2021 3:51 pm
Level 44 : Master Ghost
smurfopax's Avatar
Interesting and much smaller then the thing i created :D. 3 Story chimney
