Valheim Builds / Building

A different approach to building a home

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Level 16 : Journeyman Viking
Hi folks!

I decided to build a different style of house for my base. everything i built before was either square or round... but: this one is both! Was very challenging to build nut also lots of fun. Have a look and tell me what you think! The surroundings are not finished, need to fortify it and build some farm area and pig pens.

Progress100% complete

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03/31/2021 10:01 am
Level 1 : New Builder
Looks awesome!!!
03/31/2021 8:56 am
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
Combination works really well together especially with the decision to put smelters, kilns outside the lower level and the various work stations around the inside of the upper level. Circular design + windows + high advantage point is also great for defense. Cozy interior as well.
