Valheim Builds / Portal Hub

Core Wood Portal Hub

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Level 12 : Journeyman Builder
I love to make a portal hub from core wood, using the angled beams for the roof. Each time I make one I use different angles, and each time I get a different result. It's such fun to see how the roof comes together! This one has an oak tree growing through a central hole in the roof. I used Gizmo to add extra angles of rotation, but I have done several of these hubs in Vanilla mode also.

This is my first time using PlanBuild, so apologies if I have made some mistakes along the way

EDIT: l am fairly sure that this can be made in full vanilla mode. I don't often use the additional angles of rotation that Gizmo allows, and I can recreate the angles in this build with Gizmo disabled

EDIT: I just realised I uploaded the wrong video. I will correct it and relink it in the near future

EDIT: Correct video now linked :)
Progress100% complete

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11/27/2024 11:40 am
Level 20 : Expert Builder
Lovely hub. Gotta love Gizmo, now if they would just give us something like that in the game.
11/27/2024 2:11 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Builder
Yes!!! Though I can see why they wouldn't. I've got mine set to 32 rotation points, and it gets hard to tell if I have accurately matched the rotation. It would have to be an adjustable setting, to stop people wanting to throw their keyboard through the screen, lol 😆 BTW, you have some great builds!
11/27/2024 2:37 pm
Level 20 : Expert Builder
So if you are building in your own world or an admin on a server that allows mods Infinity hammer can help with rotation by copy and pasting to ensure you get the proper rotation. Between Gizmo and Infinity Hammer there they are my favorite mods and compliment each other very well.

Thank you for the sweet comment, glad you like what I've posted so far! I have a lot more but doing other stuff at the moment.
11/27/2024 3:36 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Builder
I have Infinity Hammer but am so new to it I accidentally deleted half a building when testing it out, LOL. I'll work it out eventually :)
11/27/2024 4:34 pm
Level 20 : Expert Builder
So you have a 10 key pad correct? The number 7 undos and the 9 re-dos. There is so much to infinity hammer including making your builds invulnerable. The pipettes do entirely different things. 1st one picks up by pressing alt or copies a single item, the 2nd picks up by pressing alt or copies all attaching building pieces and the 3rd is area which will pick up by pressing alt or copy an entire area including foliage within reason.
11/27/2024 6:09 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Builder
I have a keypad. It's just a matter of learning (and remembering) which keys do what function. Thanks for the help with the pipettes. It clarifies things nicely. I think I just need to go and play with it now, to cement it in my head.
