Valheim Builds / Advanced Base

Háar Skuggamyndir (Tall Silhouettes)

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Jaikanatar's Avatar Jaikanatar
Level 29 : Expert Viking
My most recent and comprehensive build, Háar Skuggamyndir, (which means tall silhouettes in Icelandic)

I wanted to combine all that I've learned so far about building in Valheim to create the ideal end game base for myself and a couple friends.

For its functionality, the idea was to have a (relatively) safe island base from raids, as well as serving as a hub of sorts to sail to and from with loot or for adventure.

It can only stand as tall as it does (no mods used, only debugmode) because of the fact that it is built into the rocks that rest on the original small island it is built on.

Hope you enjoy! This took several days to build in debugmode and before that, many days of imagining and gathering the patience enough to begin such a large project, lol
Progress100% complete

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07/26/2023 1:46 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
User4463G's Avatar
post link the folder save plz?
JP Valheim
07/16/2023 10:06 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lox
JP Valheim's Avatar
Looks so cool!
07/24/2023 3:13 pm
Level 29 : Expert Viking
Jaikanatar's Avatar
Thank you!
