This Build is an entry in the completed Build Contest in the Meadows of Valheim.

Valheim Builds / Village

Hillside Harbor - Contest Entry Build

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Nolian Milovnik
Level 40 : Master Builder
Welcome to Hillside Harbor

Could classify this place as a Village if you'd like, however Hillside harbour is the only trading sector on the map and was built centuries ago, only to be left alone and abandoned for the years to come, until today.. therefore it is but a lonesome ruin.

Reason for this build;

From what I've read, I decided I'd like to stick to the viking/medieval feel rather than doing anything alternative that just wouldn't make sense, why? because this place isn't earth, it's the afterlife for vikings, not a modern monopolis or a dystopian future.
In addition to my reasoning, I did like the idea of building something like a little castle but then my build developed, I wanted to make a safe-haven for a community to make friends, trade at, meet up and sail out with, fight with and so much more, so why not build a harbor? this place would be perfect than just a singular home yet, I guess anything is good if well done.


I mainly gained my inspiration from Skyrim, however I had difficulties with scaling as the doors in this game are nothing like actual doors, therefore some buildings could not look how I wanted them, that goes for the building scale itself, I attempted to scale some buildings down and that is why I didn't add an interior to most of them, however that does not matter ;3
The main building on the top was inspired by a mod on Skyrim, this structure is known as Fellburg Castle, I could not replicate it exactly without mods so I did my best on shaping it without mods, lets just say the inside isn't, pretty, as this thing was hard to keep standing.
Additional Inspiration would be from Ancient Nordic Ruins, I wanted to make this place feel as if it was old, almost ancient yet I was also limited without mods as it's quite difficult to stack stone a lot and not clip some objects.


Now, I must give out a warning that my explaining may be terrible as when I build I don't really, think, per say, so this may be an interesting section.
Hay Roof (Flat) - You'll see a few structures on the dock itself that look to have flat hay rooftops, now that is beds on top of floors, this allows for a flat looking roof, of course it does not function like one because of rain but it does look pleasing if done correctly.

Chest Crates - Now this is the same as the Hay Rooftops, however a little more difficult, you place down the chests you want at the bottom and build a wall next to them, add a floor just above the and stick some more on top, sometimes it'll stand, sometimes it'll break, at that point I just account that as accuracy.
Overall Stone - This is a mix of both terrain, quick placements and/or wooden measurements or best yet, clipping to keep it standing with the iron posts, I forgot the name of them..
Barrels - You can just directly spawn them from the console via spawn Barrell - Why is it two l's, that's just how it is, I thought this would be a lovely addition as when broken they contain random loot, you can usually find them around abandoned towers

This build took quite sometime to get done as, lets say it didn't like standing at first, however in the end it was alright in my eyes, I still wish I could've done more however Valheim does not like big builds so I got a max of 20fps, I could not get any higher than that, yet, that still wont stop me from building large structures and future builds ;3

I also would like to point out that THIS IS THE MEADOWS, the reason I cap this is to say that it's not a mountain build, it may be on one but I'm quite far from entering the mountains themselves, I just thought mixing the three without entering the other two biomes would be a lovely fit.
I would've recorded this to however, framerate was pitiful as stated above.

Welp thanka for reading this, whether I get anywhere with it doesn't bother me, I just wanted to make a lil return
Progress100% complete

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06/27/2021 3:36 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Builder
That aerial view is clean! And, enjoyed reading your description. I can tell you put in a lot of time and thought into it.
