Valheim Builds / Starter Home

Larger A-Frame Starter base

  • 3,086 views, 6 today
  • 223 downloads, 1 today
  • 2
  • 3
Level 48 : Master Fellow
Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by to check out the build!
This one was built in the same video as the Smaller A-frame, so if you want to see the build process or a tour of this one, it's in the same video! Sorry if there was any confusion!

This one is super simple, super easy to make, and really cozy!

Let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy the build!

Be sure to let me know if the Download or Blueprint is not working and I'll get around to refreshing it!

Also, check me out on Youtube! I'd really appreciate the views and a like!
Progress100% complete

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