Valheim Builds / Castle

Mountain Castle - Very simple design

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PUP's Avatar PUP
Level 52 : Grandmaster Troll Builder
I think this is what the masonry in the game should look like)

Very simple design, but very difficult work.

During the construction process, only vanilla elements and a rotation mod were used =)
Progress100% complete

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Zloy Doctor
03/12/2024 8:52 am
Level 31 : Artisan Beserker
Zloy Doctor's Avatar
нет слов! эта работа очень впечатляет в плане новшества строительства, даже не думал о возможности строить из камней,класс!
03/12/2024 10:45 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Troll Builder
PUP's Avatar
Технически можно) но нужно использовать парящие камни) маленьких не так много
