Valheim Builds / Statue

Raven Statue

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  • 240 downloads, 1 today
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Level 49 : Master Giant
Here is the file for my raven statues.

This one has been modified with a tip I was given by a viewer so the core wood posts aren't needed to support the wings.
Enjoy - GH05T
Progress100% complete

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03/29/2021 9:48 am
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
I like your statue series. Fun "little" creative projects. Raven like this could easily be incorporated as decorative details in nearly any town or large build. I could see multiple ravens setup on building corners to look down like gargoyles. Except... supporting them up there would be challenging or impossible? Maybe if it was on stone wall?
03/31/2021 8:29 pm
Level 49 : Master Giant
i assume you could place them on stone walls as long as you have the stability
