Valheim Builds / Village

Ravine Town

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Level 44 : Master Builder Inventor
Built on the side of a cliff with a river between two cliffs that lead to the ocean at one end and a bay at the other. This build is only halfway complete. I plan to build the other side of the town on the other cliff across the river. Eventually a castle will be built after I decide where I want to build it at in relation to the town. Surprisingly, the lowest FPS I have seen is 20. So I can still move around the town quite smoothly.
Progress50% complete

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03/15/2022 12:47 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
How did you rotate the stones for the inset wall design?
04/07/2022 11:21 pm
Level 44 : Master Builder Inventor
It’s a mod called gizmo. It lets you rotate pieces at any axis
