Valheim Builds / Castle

Mordach Castle and Town

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  • 445 downloads, 2 today
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Level 44 : Master Builder Inventor
This is a very large build. About 36k instances. Be sure that your PC can handle placing this. It doesn’t lag for me but it may for some.
Expect to have to do quite a bit of terraforming as this is not built on flat land. Its built on a slope with high and low areas.

This download is for the castle, not the town.

An integrity mod is required for this build.
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Maleficarum 06/13/2024 2:20:27 amJun 13th

Now available to download

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07/20/2024 2:00 am
Level 1 : New Viking
What about the fine village at image 16 in front of the castle, can we have that aswell?
08/04/2024 8:02 pm
Level 44 : Master Builder Inventor
I’ve been saving builds from that village individually but, if you’d like the whole thing, I can make that happen.
08/14/2024 6:38 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
Yes, the whole thing as one would be fine. Using Single Mesh Combine technique i'll convert the how-many instances that the village have into a single instance, very optimized. Gonna lose some tids and bits like doors, torches, chests but the whole city structure will be in place still! Cannot wait to venture into it and see it myself!
08/19/2024 7:57 pm
Level 44 : Master Builder Inventor
It’ll be about 2 weeks before it’s uploaded. Also, it’s a bit larger than what’s seen in this post. I’ve since added to it.
08/19/2024 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
Wonderful! Looking forward to! 😍
Sven of Undenfell
06/09/2023 9:51 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Viking
Hat's off to an incredible build. Very impressive work.
Whe will you be building Windhelm? The town in the North East of Skyrim. I fell you will fit right into that one.

Did you use Builder tweaks to be able to build as high as you have done?
Did you use Gizmo or another similar mod?

Thanks for the inspiration
06/23/2023 1:14 pm
Level 44 : Master Builder Inventor
Thanks a lot! I used the mod forever build to reach this builds height. The two other mods used for this was gizmo for turning pieces on any axis and plant everything.

As for windhelm, I haven’t played skyrim in a very long time. I may have to get back on just to check it out for further inspiration.

Thanks for checking out my build!
Sven of Undenfell
06/27/2023 6:55 am
Level 30 : Artisan Viking
You deserve the praise. Its amazing work.
We run mods but not for increasing build integrity but its tempting to do so. Same for gizmo. I guess we will evolve there one day.

Talking Elder Scrolls, There are plenty of city plans and photos via a quick google search which is where I found the Windhelm concept. Another great challenge would be 'Fort Dawnguard'. Even some of the smaller forts scattered about the place are also worth looking at. Certainly something to work towards.
The team building 'Skyblivion' are almost ready for release which will be fantastic. Playing Oblivion again but with modern graphic's will be worth the wait.

03/13/2023 1:31 am
Level 1 : New Shield Maiden
If you need somebody to gather resources for you, I offer myself as tribute.
03/13/2023 9:34 am
Level 44 : Master Builder Inventor
I appreciate it! However, all of my builds are done in creative mode. I don’t think I would have finished this if I were resource collecting 😅
