Valheim Builds / Castle

The Crow Hall

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ValheimBr's Avatar ValheimBr
Level 28 : Expert Viking
Hello guys...

Im still trying to finish this Castle, building at 4, 5, 6 (on a good day) FPS.
Now, with the top of the back tower and the first part of the doc finished its already on 33.378 instances.

Unfortunelly i ll have to wait a few many optimization updates to start build the interior.

No mods, only devcommands and debugmode.

To build that high i used a technique I learned from Gh0stBuilds watching his streams, however instead of stones I spawned roots ("root07" for walls and "root12" for floors) inside walls and floors to reset the blue color.

Commands that i use:

devcommands : to activate the others
debugmode: to activate K, B and Z keys (Kill the mobs, "no placement cost" and fly)
god: i dont wanna die from falling
ghost: it keeps the mobs away
tod: to control the sun and luminosity (normally i lock it on 0.5)
env: also for the luminosity and to remove the mist (normally i lock it on "Clear")
wind: i dont like the wind sound (normally i use the values 0 and 0)

Progress70% complete

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07/02/2021 7:53 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
Justy02's Avatar
have you entered this into the competition cause this is amazing , I wish i could buildshare it i adore it <3
07/05/2021 1:02 pm
Level 28 : Expert Viking
ValheimBr's Avatar
I didn't hear about this competition. Unfortunately I couldn't finish the build, as I can't build anymore
(because of the FPS drop). Since I posted this build here I haven't been playing Valheim or following
the community anymore.
07/02/2021 1:05 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Modder
Sugaplz's Avatar
Great build, the roofstructures on the towers, relief in the walls, the little gardenhouse, I could go on and on.
one question about the tree's & bushes in the main hall, I was under the impression you can only spawn them at ground level, did you raise the ground underneath them or is there another trick?

edit: is it the roots you spawned? :-)
07/05/2021 12:59 pm
Level 28 : Expert Viking
ValheimBr's Avatar
u right, bro... I can only spawn trees and bushes on the ground lvl. I used the original terrain and build the castle accordingly. In the main hall the terrain was naturally higher. Thx a lot for the comment, i rlly aprecciate!
07/01/2021 11:26 am
Level 47 : Master Bee Keeper
Valheimians's Avatar
This is SO stunning. Excellent work!
07/05/2021 1:02 pm
Level 28 : Expert Viking
ValheimBr's Avatar
Thank u very much!
06/28/2021 11:00 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Viking
SiLVRViRUS's Avatar
Beautiful work!!
07/05/2021 1:03 pm
Level 28 : Expert Viking
ValheimBr's Avatar
Thank u very much!
06/23/2021 6:28 pm
Level 42 : Master Fenring
SorchaAzura's Avatar
Absolutely stunning build
06/24/2021 3:26 pm
Level 28 : Expert Viking
ValheimBr's Avatar
thx a lot!
