Valheim Builds / Other

Valheim: I build the Elden Ring Raya Lucaria Academy

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jcberenklauw's Avatar jcberenklauw
Level 23 : Expert Viking
Hello valheimians,

It's been a while since I posted a video. I began working on the Elden Ring: ACADEMY OF RAYA LUCARIA back in 2023.
Due to work and a busy life, it was challenging to finish it before the Ashlands patch. T
he new pieces that came with it are really nice to use into my next building project :) I must admit, it's not completely perfect, but I'm proud of the result nonetheless.

I hope you enjoy the video.

Greetings Jc
Progress100% complete

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05/16/2024 6:53 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
User6744G's Avatar
This is absolutely insane
05/11/2024 6:07 am
Level 1 : New Viking
User4621G's Avatar
Could you consider sharing the blueprint or worldfile of this amazing build?
