- The Kings Palace (Server Eldrirheim RP)Castle Build3.1k 423 3x 13AstridSinjesdottir 1/21/24 12:50 • posted 12/31/23 10:56
- Jarls House at Kyrr (on the server Edrirheim RP)Starter Home Build2.4k 367x 4AstridSinjesdottir 11/15/23 12:52 • posted 11/10/23 9:42
- Grand Entrance at Kyrr (server Eldrirheim)Other Build1.2k 110x 9AstridSinjesdottir •11/25/23 5:34
- Feasting Hall at Kyrr (server Eldridheim)Building Build1.4k 231x 12AstridSinjesdottir •11/25/23 4:41
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"I'm out of wood!"
i can't count how many time i screamed that...