Valheim Mods

Shawesome's Divine Armaments

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Level 26 : Expert Modder
This is the first mod I have ever made so I'm sure there will be TONS of updates to come! I'm just a fledgling modster so please be patient for new items and such. I'm a new parent also so free time for me is truly a commodity! I have been allocating any spare time when not being the BEST dad and hubby ever!!!! to learn the process of modding valheim because cheatmode is not OP enough for me. I dare to tread the mythical realm of the Modding Gods!

If you enjoy the mod and would like to see more content please consider, if you feel so inclined, buying me a snack on Ko-fi to help me on my quest, Nom Nom Nom!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionValheim 0.14x

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Shawesome 12/26/2023 4:45:30 amDec 26th, 2023

Mod was split for size and theme. Added new Crafting material Arcanium, and with it new Armor to create: Arcanium Paladin Armor!!!!! I think it was heavily subconsciously inspired by Legendary Six Samurai Shien lol IYKYK - bunch of other new stuff since the last update hope you all get a chance to check it out! feel free to leave feedback please! even heavy criticism helps!

Thanks for your time!

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01/26/2024 7:15 am
Level 1 : New Viking
Do you have a discord? In your mod there are a lot of items with pretty cool bonus effects. If possible, I will send you pictures of them via discord. For example this item : " dhakharianchest "
01/27/2024 12:39 am
Level 26 : Expert Modder
i dont have my own discord but i like to hang out here a lot
