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Tips on How to Improve your Valheim Contest Score

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Valheimians's Avatar Valheimians
Level 47 : Master Bee Keeper
Valheim's first update is scheduled for TOMORROW and we're gearing up to see another wave of booming activity! Vikings all around the world are sharpening their swords and dusting off those crafting benches in preparation for all of the new combat and building mechanics. Woo!

We're launching another contest shortly afterwards and wanted to provide everyone with some Tips and Tricks for increasing your overall score! The 3 Criteria you are judged on are as follows:

Concept & Originality
Technique & Execution

Let's go over them.

Concept & Originality
Questions you should ask yourself:

  • Is my idea for a build going to be one of a kind?
    If no, don't necessarily reconsider - instead, think about what you can do to your build that will make it stand out more than a build similar to yours.
  • Does my concept work well with the theme?
    You will be judged on the thought & intention behind your work.

Technique & Execution:
Your build does not have to be complex or massive to score well in this criteria. A quick google on "quotes about details" and you'll find several inspirational words of wisdom including:

"The Details are not the Design. They make the Design"
- Charles Eames

Details, details, details! Use some clever building/decorating hacks you learned in a YouTube video or discovered yourself while building.

This is the icing on the cake. You've spent all of your time planning and building something you're proud of - polish it off with a presentation that shows all of its glory!

Here is where we'd like to offer our biggest tips. Presentation can be key if you want to stand out above the rest. Good news though - this is pretty easy with a little effort!

How do I increase my presentation score?
To increase your presentation score, here is what we suggest:
  • Include several photos with short captions - even if you have a video, supplement it with some photos. See Sugaplz's Viking Biking submission for an example.
  • Take photos from several angles. We created a tutorial on how to take screenshots, you can read it here. See first
  • If you create a video, keep it under 10 minutes, at the very maximum!
  • Create a tale/lore to go with your project and include it in the description. Or narrate it in your video like MythicBuilds did in their submission Altar of an Eldritch Deity. This will also give you extra points for originality.
  • If you're feeling really ambitious and know a thing or two about photoshop or another photo editing program, create a custom graphic that contains your lore. Something along the lines of what Valheim did for their 2021 Roadmap. Add it in your description. Fancy
  • Use tables in your description to highlight certain features of your build and explain what they are, maybe mention if you used any special building techniques, etc. You can put photos (or GIFs) on the left, description on the right… vice versa or switch it up and alternate which side the photo is on and which side the description is on.

How to insert a table

In the example below, we're creating a 3 cell table. The middle cell is for spacing purposes only. You'll need a spacer cell if the final format of your table is going to be 'None' or 'Default', otherwise your text and your image will be too close together. More on this below.

You can also change the size of the cells by clicking the cells' line and dragging it left or right. The lines are difficult to see, but your cursor will let you know when you're on one. You'll want to shrink the size of the spacing cell to that there is enough room between text and your photo. Save your draft and take a look at how it appears and adjust as necessary.

You can change the FORMAT of your table. With your table selected/cursor in your table, right click > Table Properties. You have 3 options: None, Default, and Material. The format of your table is up to you and what you think looks best aesthetically.

Tips on How to Improve your Valheim Contest Score
Tips on How to Improve your Valheim Contest Score

Reminder: IF you decide to use the material table option, you do not need to add a spacer cell .

How to insert an image into a table

To insert an image, you must first upload it to Imgur. Go to, click on the green button that says "New post", located in the upper left hand corner of the site. Upload your photo from wherever it's saved.

Right click on the uploaded image and select "Copy Image". Navigate back to Valheimians text editor, right click and paste the image directly.

Alternatively, you can right click on the photo in Imgur, select "Copy Image Link". Click on the image icon in the text editor located to the right of the hyperlink icons, and paste the copied URL into the first field. Bada-bing, bada-boom!

The Center of this Reddit Alien statue is core wood and the rest is careful placement of countless beams. The shield on the reddit antenna is on an item stand that would break if placed any further from the structure. Juuuust fit.

Tips on How to Improve your Valheim Contest Score

Other tips for tables:
If you copy and paste your image into a cell and it resizes, click the photo icon in the editor, uncheck "Autosize", and check again. This will resize your image to fit into your table cell perfectly.

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