Valheim Builds / Storage

Big chest full of all Walheim's SORT OF WEAPONS LEVEL MAXIMUM (short version 2 chests)

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Level 33 : Artisan Builder
Big chest full of all Walheim's WEAPONS LEVEL MAXIMUM (Ver. Feb 2024).

Bows - Swords - Spears - Knives - Hammers - etc.
All sort of arrows

All knowed WEAPONS 4 maximum + 2 CHEAT WEAPONS
SHORT VERSION (2 chests)
No mods needed! Vanilla ;)

Also available on my blueprints collection :

- Chest full of all kinds of meal cooked (available)
- Chest full of all kinds of meal to cook (available)
- Chest full of all kinds of trophies (only trophies for deco)
- Chest full of all kinds of trophies (only other trophies without deco using) (soon!)
- Chest full of all kinds of potions (available)
- Chest full of all kinds of weapons (BIG witth 7 chests version)
- Chest full of all kinds of armors, helmets and capes (max lvl) (available!)

I am French and I try to translate into English as best as I can. Don't hesitate to advise me for a better translation ;).
Progress100% complete

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04/27/2024 4:13 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Builder
Update Ashlands available! Go to my collection 😉
05/02/2024 8:00 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
bro, nobody uses your blueprints cause theyre garbage, all you did was put stuff in a chest and call it a day. you're a worse console commands.
05/08/2024 12:52 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Builder
Budy, you're under some of my contents for said that... I had bring an answer for the reason I found utility for that. But, also I can understand your opinion, I don't understand why you said that with disrespect. If you have an ideas, tips, constructives criticisms, I'm totally open to ear you. But I can approve that comportement. If nobody cares of my "garbage" blueprints, it's not an problem for me. I do that for me, for my pleasure and if anyone, dwnld, use and like it, it's good. If just one person like my share, that's make me enjoy.
Please, be respectful and don't be negative with content of valheimians builders 😉. Maybe you said that with clumsiness, I'm not mad at you 😉.
