Valheim Builds / Storage

Big chest full of thophies for decoration (2 chests)

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Level 31 : Artisan Builder
Big chest full of all kinds of Walheim's TROPHIES (Ver. Feb 2024).

All knowed trophies (just trophies for decoration!)

2 chests!

Ideal for have all sort of trophies for decorating your creations.

Also available on my blueprints collection :

- Chest full of all kinds of potions (soon!)
- Chest full of all kinds of meal to cook (avaiable)
- Chest full of all kinds of trophies (only trophies for deco)
- Chest full of all kinds of trophies (only other trophies without deco using) (soon!)
- Chest full of all kinds of armors (max lvl) (soon!)
- Chest full of all kinds of weapons (max lvl) (soon!)

I am French and I try to translate into English as best as I can. Don't hesitate to advise me for a better translation ;).
Progress100% complete

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02/12/2024 8:01 am
Level 32 : Artisan Meadow Frolicker
Think you are missing the blueprint file attachment from the post
02/17/2024 5:15 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Builder
Thanks, I fixed it ;)
