Valheim Builds / Farming

Chicken Breeder for eggs and chickens

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LooneyBandit's Avatar LooneyBandit
Level 30 : Artisan Meadow Frolicker
A dual-purpose chicken breeder

One side pops out only the eggs, the other side pops out eggs, which then hatch and evolve into Hens (not rocket science!)

The breeders have a false floor in place so you can pop the eggs in for hatching without falling through. When the chicks have grown into hens, then break the 2 1x1 wooden boards under them to allow the new eggs to fall down.

Starter kit of equipment like eggs, seeds, butcher knife etc also included :-)
Progress100% complete

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04/12/2024 6:26 am
Level 1 : New Viking
Nimz's Avatar
Unfortunately, it does not seem to be appearing in the blueprint section of Plabuild.
