Valheim Builds / Longhouse

Chickensthorpe Longhouse (Unfurnished)

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Level 19 : Journeyman Builder
Hi, I have been building for a long time. It was inspired by the Ravensthorpe Longhouse in AC Valhalla. There are 2 rooms with 16 Comforts and a throne section, a main area included kitchen,2 rooftop rooms and a cellar loot and craft area.. I did not put any other items so that you can decorate as you wish. I will share the decarated version I made myself again.
Progress90% complete

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10/29/2023 6:36 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
Amazing build! Could you perhaps consider making also the other structures from Ravensthorpe? That would be epic!
10/31/2023 11:01 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Builder
Thank you, I made them in a world but I dont want to share them because they look bad. I'm thinking of doing Ravensthorpe the same way from start to finish in the near future. I'll share the builds I made
