Valheim Builds / Temple

Circular Temple for Trader

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Level 17 : Journeyman Builder
I made a large circular structure to decorate my market, and I would like to share it with you here for those who wish to visit or use it !

Less than 13k parts, it must be able to hold without mods (other than the one required to use the blueprint).

There is also a blueprint of the structure without the lights (8400 pieces).
Progress100% complete

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Zloy Doctor
08/31/2023 8:49 am
Level 32 : Artisan Beserker
после постройки здания у меня становятся меньше двери по размеру,в чем может быть проблема?
09/02/2023 11:53 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Builder
Oh I only tried with all my mods on ; I'm not sure but maybe you not only need PlanBuild, but also Structure Tweaks, and/or Infinity Hammer ! I'll check with other members
