Valheim Builds / Building

Guardhouse at Iduna's Nebula Lagoon

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AstridSinjedottir's Avatar AstridSinjedottir
Level 40 : Master Scribe
the guardhouse

first building of my project "Idun's Nebula Lagoon"

for the purple torches i used "dverger pieces" by Tequilla
for the giant fish in front of the door you need "OdinShip" by OdinPlus
no other modes needed

in my world you need rubber-boots when entering (it's so close abouve the water built that a wave let you stand in water)

the last pic shows the ground under water

the blueprint contains a center marker und 1 terrain marker

if you build that in your world, leave a comment and share a screenshot
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by AstridSinjedottir 09/30/2023 4:34:12 amSep 30th, 2023

i share a pics from the inside how i decorated the guardhouse

for the interior i used mods like "odins horese", "valkea" and "dverger pieces"

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09/07/2023 12:03 am
Level 40 : Master Scribe
AstridSinjedottir's Avatar
Once you added that build in your world, post a screenshot here.
Glad to see where you guys build it! 🙏
09/02/2023 1:51 pm
Level 40 : Master Scribe
AstridSinjedottir's Avatar
Blueprint contains a center marker and one terrain marker (you can build it on water)
