Valheim Builds / Building

Hooded Roundhouse

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Level 19 : Journeyman Raven
Not particularly large or impressive, but the goal was to make something simple and clean that could be built (almost, minus the finewood dragons) entirely pre-Eikthyr.

Single-story roundhouse. Contains a raised landing to make placement on uneven terrain easier, with a lowered central area closer to the ground for a fire pit. Designed without interior partitions or furnishings to be modular and adaptable, allowing for the creation of a multitude of interior layouts as needed. Decent amount of interior space overall, with cupboards around the circumference of the building to allow for inconspicuous storage so as to avoid cluttering up the main area.

Modularity makes upgrades easy: torches can be replaced with sconces or braziers hung from the roof. Cupboards are large enough to fit all types of storage chests and even some workstations/upgrades. Central fire pit can comfortably contain either a standard fireplace or a bonfire (though the reach of a regular fireplace won't quite make it to the outer edge of the space; recommend placing bed closer to the middle if you plan on sleeping in here).

Makes a great house, workshop, storage shed or any combination thereof.
Progress100% complete

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JP Valheim
04/02/2023 3:07 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Lox
Awesome build man! I wish people would upload more stuff like this sometimes. Most of the builds are really elaborate and often have so many pieces that I can't use them for server building cause it makes players lag jajaja
03/31/2023 6:52 am
Level 1 : New Viking
Thank for for making a Roundhouse that is entirely pre-Eikthyr (or close enough) will be DL this and testing it out today :)
