Valheim Builds / Building

Japanese Gazebo Garden

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Nolian Milovnik
Level 40 : Master Builder
The tranquillity of a Shen Garden is soon to come-

A small yet tranquil garden for you and your Viking brethren to relax and take a break in, everyone needs a break at some point, right? even Vikings :3
Now this may not be a Shen garden yet it's a start of a lovely future :3

Take advantage of the Gazebos ;3 they're simple yet, cosy
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Nolian Milovnik 03/31/2021 4:32:36 pmMar 31st, 2021

- Added Build File for those who want to use the build - Japanese Gazebo

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03/30/2021 7:28 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
Need to sharpen my blade. I'll have a table for 2. Frosty Frost Resistance Mead, Cup o' Turnip Stew and Grilled Lox Meat Kabobs when you have a minute between building the next destination.
Nolian Milovnik
03/30/2021 7:39 pm
Level 40 : Master Builder
Your order has been delivered to Gazebo #3, however this is a little much for just a singular person and I do not see anyone else, is this correct?

In addition we cannot sharpen such a blade as we do not have a blacksmith of our own, however, that gives me a new idea :?
03/30/2021 8:51 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
:D Look at that plating! My Valheimians wife is accompanying me tonight. She ordered the turnip stew. I'm having the... NOM OMON NOM.
Nolian Milovnik
03/30/2021 9:07 pm
Level 40 : Master Builder
Oh now what's this? a Mysterious Blacksmith has arrived, looks like you'll get your sharpened blade after all.
Both enjoy your meal and make sure to check out the blacksmith for that new and improved sharpened blade that's sure to rip through those pesky goblins with ease.

